Life of Shakespeare By: Stephanie Salas Period: 1

William Shakespeare wrote many plays and incorporated many aspects of his life into each one of his works by using his experiences from his hometown and school, what he went through to make a difference in literature, and the way Shakespeare writes.

"Tradition assigns the date of Shakespeare's actual birth as April 23, 1564. This coincides with St. George's Day (St. George is the patron saint of England). Such a birth date also conveniently accords with Shakespeare's death 52 years later, on April 23, 1616." (Baker 2). Shakespeare phenomenally lived a course of 52 years devoting his life to literature. He was born around April 23, 1564 and if his parents followed the traditions of their religion, he would have been baptized three days after his birth, and conveniently died 52 years later around April 23, 1616.

"Shakespeare’s poems and plays show a love of nature and rural life. This display undoubtedly reflects his childhood experiences and his love of the Stratford countryside," (Lander 19). In the town he lived, it was rural and Shakespeare was in year round school, but there were many lively events like pageants and plays. With all his many experiences and love of the Stratford countryside, Shakespeare's portrayed his childhood into his plays and sonnets.

"Shakespeare reinforced his imagery with the rhythm of his verse. He composed his plays largely in blank verse—that is, in lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter," (Lander 271). Shakespeare used iambic pentameter to have an equal amount of syllables in each verse. Although he composed his plays largely in blank verse, which is unrhymed iambic pentameter.

"Shakespeare had a tremendous vocabulary and a corresponding sensitivity to nuance, as well as a singular aptitude for coining neologisms and punning," (Lagassel 11). Shakespeare wrote with an extensive vocabulary and analogies. With all the neologisms, puns, and analogies are a big roll of Shakespeare's work's popularity throughout the world.
"William attended grammar school, where he studied Latin grammar, Latin literature, and rhetoric (the use of language). As far as we know, he had no further formal education," (Anderson 3). William Shakespeare had limited education yet he wrote of the most famous plays and sonnets. Each one of his works had such a great use of words, that one can know exactly what Shakespeare meant with each analogy, metaphors, and references.

"Shakespeare was criticized for mixing comedy and tragedy and failing to observe the unities of time and place prescribed by the rules of classical drama," (Lagassel 18). William Shakespeare was criticized for being brave enough to mix two completely different types genre. For over the course of time, people have come to accept and appreciate his bravery for being different.

"Shakespeare worked with this company for the rest of his writing life," (Anderson 5). Shakespeare worked with the King's Men company until he retired, which was supported by the King himself. Each writer had to provide the theater with plays on demand, which he always provided.
"Only two companies were allowed London performances at specifically assigned theaters. The first, the Admiral's Men, performed at the Rose Theater and featured the famous actor Edward Alleyn. The second, the Lord Chamberlain's Men, performed north of the river," (Baker 28). London only allowed two companies perform, which were the Admiral's Men and the Lord Chamberlain's Men. They were assigned to a specific theater, which were on different sides of London.

"Sometimes playwrights influence the shape and form of a theater, but more often existing theaters seem to influence the shape and form of plays," (Anderson 1). It was very common for the theater to influence the playwright. The author uses the theater as a guide to write it easily and for it to follow a steady flow when the play is being performed.

"It is important that we understand Shakespeare's theater because it influenced how he wrote his plays. Shakespeare took the theater of his time, and he used it brilliantly," (Anderson 1). Shakespeare wrote his plays according to the theater by the shape and form. He used its shape and form to create many odd, yet brilliant mix of genres of plays.


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