Benjamin Franklin By: mackenzie oakley

Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston Massachusetts, on January, 17, 1706. Died on April, 17, 1790 due to a lung inflammation called pleurisy. From age 8 to 10 , Benjamin Franklin attended Mr. George Brownell´s school to study arithmetic and writing. At age 10 he left left the school to work with this father in a candle shop. Benjamin Franklin did not attend any further grammar schools past the age of 10. At age 12, Benjamin Franklin became and apprentice for his brother Jame in his printing shop. Franklin attended Boston Latin School when he was older but did not graduate.

In 1746 the study of electricity was sweeping through Europe. Franklin through correspondence with with friends in Europe, learned of the studies and discoveries the Leyden Jar. Franklin started to conduce his own electrical experiments and by March of 1747 he developed some fundamental conjectures about electricity. He conceived of electricity is a single fluid and substituted the positive and negative for the words viterous and resinous. Franklin also discovered the the wonderful effect of pointed bodies, both in drawing off and throwing off electrical fire. Some of Franklin´s other inventions include the odometer and bifocal glasses.

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