Divergent book review by: jaden,mms

Have you ever felt like you have a secret and can’t tell anyone?

Well the book Divergent by Veronica Roth, is about a teen named Tris who wanted people not to find out that she is divergent, but Tori, Tobias, ( her mom,) Caleb, Jennie, Eric, and the lady that got shot in the leg found out.

Although, Tris can’t tell anyone that she is divergent since she is different and she does different things than other people do

divergent since she is different and she does different things than other people do. The life lesson I learned was everyone was so concerned with fitting in being seen as a good member.The life lesson though me that you always don’t have to be the center of attention.

People who have not read Divergent are missing out on all the good and exciting stuff in this book. Will anyone find out that Tris is divergent?

Created By
Jaden Edwards


Created with images by Stones - "fire flame wood fire" • JeepersMedia - "Barbie Divergent" • Infiniteyes - "Throwing Flames" • linuskendall - "Sundays" • Editor B - "Divergent"

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