The Queen of Waves Gertrude Ederle

Gertrude Ederle was born in Manhattan New York on October 23, 1905 and died November 30, 2003. Her family owned a cottage in Highlands New Jersey, and that's where her father taught her to swim at the age of 5. She did have the measles and was told not to go into the water but that didn't stop her. She swam anyway and she realized her love for swimming and went on to join the women's training association.

"When we're in the water, we're not in this world"
  • Gertrude Ederle held over 29 and national and ameutur swimming award. She was a champion swimmer by her teens and competed in the Olympics in 1924. Her greatest achievement was she swam then English Channel in 14 hours and 31 minutes beating 5 males who swam the channel before. She tried to swim it before but was disqualified for technicalities. She was referred to as
"America's best girl!" -The press

She did have a lasting impact on history and its very simple, she created a new image of what American girls are now capable of. She also showed to work hard on your dreams and you'll be able to accomplish them. In 1965 she was put in the International Swimming Hall of Fame as an "Honnor Swimmer".

"People said to me a women couldn't swim the channel. I proved they could"
"I was the happiest between waves"

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