Noel Night By: Solomon Lucy

Noel Night 2016 was a very fun experience for me. I really enjoyed going to the different museums for free and enjoying the different festivities that were offered. Come along as I reminisce that night

This is my favorite painting in the DIA called the wedding dance. I love the great detail in this painting and the array of expressions.
This is a picture of the DIA. I go very often so I know must of the paintings in this particular museum.
This is me in front of the new science center. It looks completely different from when I was a kind. It has multiple floors and many interactive activities people can do.
This is one of the interactive activities in the science center. It was about rocks and what would happen as you apply different amounts of heat to it.
This is me in front of the Charles H. Wright museum. This museum did not have exhibits for people to view, it was more of a place where venders could advertise their different companies.
This is a picture of me and Mr. Debruin, one of the greatest thinkers I know.

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