Crime In 1969


Crime In 1969

This is our first picture. We have used the cartoon filter on this, to make all the shadows exaggerated, so it gives the dark look of a crime scene.

The only thing we know, is blood

This picture has a different filter. This filter makes the "blood" look exaggerated and real. I have used this filter to show that crime kills so many people, and spreads fear.

We can strike anywhere, anytime. Beware.

This is the same picture as the on above. This filter is different. It has a light and day feel. I have used it to show how crime can strike, and happen everywhere. The shadows are very dim.

Sometimes plain is the best way to go.

This is our original picture. It has no filter, hasn't been cropped, and doesn't look anything like a crime scene. When we add the filter, everything is exaggerated.

This final picture shows all our object. We have the gun and knife, because most of the crime that takes place is done by weapons, mostly guns and knifes. The cigar and flask are there because almost anyone who commits murders drink alcohol, and smoke substances "to make themselves calm after the crime." The watch is just to show that all law offenders have limited time, and shall be caught and punished for the crimes they have committed.


Photos by Ansh, set design by Dhruv

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