Chirstmas Around The World allison greenwell

GernmEvergreen trees have leaves all year around. Evergreens are known for being able to make it through cold weather , as well as dry seasons. Evergreen trees will always have green leaves and thay will completely lose there foliage. The green needles stay on the evergreen tree all year long . evergreens can grow from small seedlings all the way to trees over 100 feet tall.
Great britian - In great britian children write letters to father christmas. after writing the letter they put it in the chimney ad if it goses through the chimney , thier wishes will come true . if not they have to try agian .

great britian- Father Christmas is Great Britain's gift giver. He is a tall, slender man, with a full white beard. Father Christmas arrives on a white donkey or a white horned goat. He even sometimes carries a bowl of wassail

france- joyeux noel is the french way of saying '' merry christmas ! '' feasting gose with the season, and there are many good foods to be found
  1. the french christmas most paupolar foods are goose and wine and also sweetes like cake, candy,
Created By
Allison Greenwell


Created with images by hansbenn - "candle candlelight shimmer" • JamesDeMers - "juniper berries seed cone" • ArunMarsh - "fire" • Romi - "ice cream fruits"

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