The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt Anne- yves senat

The Spatial Experience

The day of the play was a Sunday afternoon, I felt tired and sleepy. My plan was to sit in the middle but because I arrived too early I was placed in the second row. At first I felt to close to the stage and thought I would not be able to see everything but ended up liking where I sat. I felt as if I was part of the play and could see every little detail. When the audience was quiet I felt that they were anxious to see what was going to happen. Even though most of the students were there because it was a course requirement, we can tell they were enjoying it by their expression at the end of the play. The role that place plays on the Good Life is that life is to short and that we should enjoy every opportunity that we get.

The Social Experience

I attended the performance with two of my best friends Diane, Briana and two other girls that I meet that day. To get ready I thought I had to dress casual professional for the performance, which I did but not a lot of people dressed like that. My friends enhanced my experience because they felt the same way as me, which was very excited. We did not understand what was going own and how to feel about the play but as the play continued we understood the theme. The role this plays in the good life is that you always need friends by your side to experience things in life.

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience

One of the central issues was child abuse by people they trusted. Before the play I knew a lot about the matter but it was mostly common for girls not for boys. They were abused by a priest. It changes my view that we don’t really know what is going own behind closed door and that everyone has their own challenge we just don’t know about it and we should not judge them. This related with me because I was molested as a kid and it was one of the most emotional parts of my life. I am still recovering from it and seeing it in the play brings some of those memory back, but I am happy that others are aware of the matter now.

The Emotional Experience

It provides us the opportunity by showing us that we should always speak up for ourselves and we should try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Because we don’t know about their life and what they went through. We should always come clean about things in our lives and if we speak up and come clean we might be able to help someone.

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