Seventh Day Adventist Chris Callan, Joe DiRenzo, Michael Stratford


Ellen G white was the main founder of the Protestant group from the northeast United States. In the 1800s, she wrote many tenants of the religion in a book that is accepted by many of the Adventists today.

In the 19th century, a group called the Millerites, followers of William Miller, thought Jesus would make his second coming in 1844. A group of people from this group formed the Adventists after Jesus did not come down to earth. The Adventists now believe ever since the Great Dissapointment of 1844, Jesus has begun his decent back to Earth to save us.


Sola Scriptura: they believe that the Bible is the only source for their beliefs.

Adventists believe their body is a temple of god so they should be clean and care for it properly. They try to stay away from drugs and alcohol, and in some cases they are vegetarians.

The Seveth Day Adventists believe the second coming of Christ is near and they must be ready for it at all times. This belief is where their name, Adeventists, comes from. Advenire -- to come/ arrive.

After death, a Seventh Day Adventist is not immediately sent to heaven but has to wait to be resurrected by the mercy of God.

Like Lutheranism, only believe in baptism and communion as valid sacraments.

Believe in the 28 Fundamental Beliefs: the teachings of the holy scripture

The Church Today:

Currently, there are over 19 million people who are "Adventists." There are about 80,000 congregations spread globally.

There is a church located on Jericho Turnpike, 211 Jericho Turnpike Old Westbury, NY 11568. It is called the Old Westbury Seventh-day Adventist Church

The Adventists also take action in the world. The adventists relief program for any natural disaster is called the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) and is present in over 130 countries. They provide aid financially and educationally to over 14 million less fortunate people. They also run 175 hospitals across the world that provide medical care for 18 million people.


The Church is led by the General Conference, a governing organization that coordinates global ministry. There is a president, Ted N.C Wilson, a secretary, G.T. Ng, and a treasurer, Juan Rafael Prestol-Puesán. They are also accompanied by general Vice Presidents.

Under the General conference there are 13 divisions. One of these division is the North American Division, which we would be a part of.

The authority of the church comes from the membership of each local church.

The Symbol:

The official logo of the church, shown in our cover photo, depicts a bible with a burning flame and cross above it. This is supposed to represent that essential truths that come from the Bible, the fire of the Holy Spirit within us, and the death of Jesus on the cross and his impending resurrection.

What Catholics Think:

The church recognizes the Adventists as a Protestant denomination of the Roman Catholic belief, but they are not heavily criticized because they do not stray far from our beliefs besides the fact that they believe the second coming has begun.

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