Town of Pittsfield By: Kylei Wozniak

Town Hall: 3041 Kunesh North Road, Pulaski, 54162
  1. Discussion on Glendale Ave. : discussed sharing cost of construction of Glendale Ave. with the Village of Howard.
  2. Grave water issues: grave water issues in spring. Petition was presented asking for help to elevate water.
  3. Website was disscussed: had problems with security email address will be changed to gmail.
  4. Fire station repairs: fire station needed repairs on the roof. Got a $5,000 grant.
  5. Road repairs: $10,000 worth of cracks will be filled.

Issue: The issue is that they have a problem with water getting in the cemetery. Someone made a petition to get the government to elevate the water. I agree with the government sending someone out to elevate the water. Hopefully they sent someone out there right away because if they let the water just sit there things could get ruined. If I were apart of the government I would make sure to have sent a person out to the cemetery to elevate the water.

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