New Hampshire, Founded 1628 Nick g

John Mason was the founder of New Hampshire in 1628

John mason was born in 1600


In New Hampshire most of the people where puritans,

The puritans did not like other religions and their was no other religious freedom in their area.

A puritan is a group of English Protestants who regarded the Reformation of the Church of England

Geography / Climate

The climate in New Hampshire was short summers that turned into cold long winters.

New Hampshire had hills, mountains and plateaus.

Because of the longer winters, there was less disease than in the warmer colonies.


They built ships because they were near water.

A lot of jobs were fishing and farming.

They exported some of the stuff that they made.


Created with images by Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL - "A general map of the middle British colonies, in America, containing Virginia, Maryland, the Delaware counties, Pennsylvania and New Jersey : with the addition of New York, and the greatest part of New England, as also of the bordering parts ..." • illustir - "Church" • gavinandrewstewart - "Snow" • clondike7 - "Water"

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