
Technical Analysis Textual Analysis?

First, let's play a game...

Random Encounter!

Clara Fernández-Vara's Introduction to Game Analysis (Chapter 1 - The Whys and Wherefores of Game Analysis)

Clara Fernández-Vara's Introduction to Game Analysis (Chapter 1 - The Whys and Wherefores of Game Analysis)

Main Points?

Textual Analysis? Games as Text?

Three points of Inquiry?

Game Analysis

What are reviews and how do they function in our everyday life?

"Scholars should be able to talk about what we like and what we do not with a certain level of nuance, understanding our role as players and how our experience may diff er from other people’s, being able to explain what it means to have a user interface that does not follow conventional configurations, or discuss the differences between the male and female player characters in terms of mechanics. Th ere is so much more that game analysis can talk about beyond the quality of the graphics or the difficulty curve" (Fernandez-Vara, p. 4)

"We can study games as a cultural production that can be interpreted because they have meaning. The cultural significance can derive from the context of play: who plays games, why and how, how does the practice of playing relate to other socio-cultural activities and practices. Meaningful play also results from the player interacting with the systems and representations of the game. Thus, when we analyze games, we study meaning within the game (meaningful play) and around it (cultural significance). Th e text is not limited to the work itself, but also to where the text is interpreted and by whom" (Fernandez-Vara, p. 6)

Find three games/programs that you would like to review.

Provide a link to more information and a few sentences of why you want to review it. (Your Quest)


Created with images by Daniel Josef - "late night working" • William Daigneault - "untitled image" • William Daigneault - "untitled image"

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