
Present Perfect Simple ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW!

Present Perfect Simple je glagolsko vrijeme koje koristimo za izražavanje određenih radnji u prošlosti, a za koje nije bitno kada su se dogodile. Bitno je samo da su se dogodile jer njima izražavamo naša iskustva. Za početak pogledaj video.

Past Participle nepravilnih glagola

Otvori radnu bilježnicu te nađi popis nepravilnih glagola na kraju radne bilježnice..

Zadatak 1

U listi nepravilnih glagola nađi Past Participle sljedećih glagola: be, buy, drive, eat, go, meet, see, send, speak, swim, write. Rješenja napiši u svoju bilježnicu.

Zadatak 2

Pogledaj još jednom kako tvorimo rečenice u Present Perfect Simple-u. Rečenice prepiši u bilježnicu.

swim in the sea

swim - swum

I have swum in the sea.

I have never swum in the sea.

write a letter

write - written

I have written a letter.

I have never written a letter.

Zadatak 3

Pogledaj fotografije i aktivnosti na njima. Zatim od ponuđenih riječi napiši rečenice u Present Perfect Simple-u. Svaku rečnicu započni s I have... ili s I have never...

see a film in the cinema

play beach volleyball

play the piano

send an e-mail

visit London

Bravo! Naučio si koristiti glagolsko vrijeme Present Perfect Simple.


Created with images by Chad Walton - "It was my first time flying in an hot air balloon and I was excited. I had to wake up at 4:30am in the morning to do this and it was more than worth it. I brought my camera to capture some great shots but there is so much going on during the inflation that it’s overwhelming. I followed my pilot,Buddy, into the hot air balloon to see him get ready and snagged my top shot of the day." • Graham Johnson - "Girl in ocean" • Álvaro Serrano - "Fountain pen on stationery" • Alexander Popov - "untitled image" • Elizeu Dias - "BeeTenis" • Elijah M. Henderson - "untitled image" • Webaroo - "untitled image" • Eva Dang - "London"