The Struggles and Successes of a Teenager From the eyes of an actual teenager

Being a kid is hard. But being a teenager brings a lot of strife and confusion. I know because I am one. A lot of the time I find myself subject to being scrutinized and studied over all my actions. And among those things, there are a ton more.

Today I will be talking about my life at school. I am an eighth grader and at the middle of the road as far as intellectual ability in my grade. one thing that I often see in my fellow peers is a need for attention and wanting to mess around in certain classes. The most common of which are math and religion. In my views, I believe that the people that do it just want to have a laugh when the start shouting in class or add an unnecessary, but funny, comment. When I think of the things that are commonly said, I often laugh at those items. But most of the time I get annoyed after a while. "This is my learning time" I often think. But I also will tend to get drawn into their shenanigans and whoop and holler along, getting me in trouble in the progress.

When it comes to the teachers, I never have really had one that I hated or disliked strongly. However, this year in particular, has been strenuous with my patience with a few of my teachers. Two, in particular, really tend to get on my nerves. The two that I have a tendency of disliking to tend to immediately "go from zero to a hundred real quick" and will not listen to us when we give our reasons for actions or when we try to tell them why we did or did not do a specific action. That is my other problem that I have with them. Many times I have been sitting in class, doing nothing in particular to bother anyone, and get called out by the teacher. When I try to explain, I get interrupted with the reprimand of "you are not the teacher" or "the office will gladly hear you complaints".

Today we had to recite a prayer for religion that was said to be easy and not worth a lot of points to our grade, but when I asked how many points it was worth, the teacher replied "only 100". If you were in the class, you could have seen the whole class recoil with that response. There were many complaints, but she ignored them and decided to return her desk and give us a lecture we had all heard before. "In my thirty-eight years of teaching, I have never had such a disrespectful class". Even though I feel like its not the whole class that's disrespectful, it's only a few people, so she still either will not or cannot name the people who actually commit the deeds that distract her. After her long and lengthy reprimand, we began to work on a project as she calls on us one by one. After thirty or so minutes, we left and headed to math class which was a short-lived adventure because I was called to serve a funeral.

Most of the rest of the day went by uneventfully except during lunch where a friend of mine decided to start a rather interesting chant. He began to shout "WHEN I SAY ALLAH, YOU SAY AKBAR.", which was funny and ended with one of my favorite teachers said "That'll do for Arabic chants today." After that. the rest of the day cruised on by and soon we were let out by or teachers.

Today was one of the first times in a while that I got to see a good friend/crush/semi-girlfriend. The world was a lot less complicated before I met her, but now I don't even know how to tell her how I actually feel about her. We love to talk about our problems and share our opinions about every thing.

Well, that was my first blog post and I hope you liked it. let me know what you want me to talk about (please do teenage type stuff). drop me a line at

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