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Macbeth with the three witches and one of the apparitions

Macbeth is a play about a Scottish Lord who kills his king, blames it on the king's sons, and makes himself king.

Romeo and Juliet profess their love in the most famous part of the play: the balcony scene


Created with images by irinaraquel - "Francesco Hayez - Romeo and Juliet" • Makuahine Pa'i Ki'i - "Dress Rehearsal--Macbeth meets the Witches and sees apparitions 3" • BiblioArchives / LibraryArchives - "Ottawa Drama League, 1933, "Romeo and Juliet" / Ottawa Drama League, 1933, « Roméo et Juliette »" • fesehe - "verona balcony romeo and juliet" • irinaraquel - "Anselm Feuerbach - Romeo and Juliet" • Foreign and Commonwealth Office - "Inside the Foreign Office: Dubar Court"

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