Roux ProportionS, Tips, PreParation,

Proportions of Roux Ingredients
  • You must use equal parts of fat and flour in order to make a good Roux.
  • To test this, make sure that you have enough fat to coat all of the granules of starch.
  • If there is too much fat, skim off the excess that rises to the top.
  • REMEMBER: roux is stiff NOT runny!!!

How to Make A Roux

  1. Heat the fat, usually clarified butter, in a heavy saucepan so that the fat will not scorch.
  2. Make a paste by adding all of the bread flour and stirring.
  3. Using medium heat, cook until it is the consistency of wet sand and the right color.
  4. Stir roux often to keep it from burning. Burnt roux will add a very unpleasant flavor and dark spots to the liquid. It will not thicken properly. When finished the roux should be stiff.

Tips for Cooking Roux

  • DO NOT use a very high temperature or a very low temperature. Hot roux can spatter and burn someone. A cold roux will cause the fat to solidify.
  • DO NOT over thicken. A sauce must almost reach the boiling point before the roux begins to thicken.
  • DO NOT use aluminum cookware....This adds a metallic taste and turns light sauces gray.
  • DO USE heavy stainless steel pots instead because they will keep the sauces from burning.
  • Keep in mind that the color of the sauce depends on the amount of time the roux is cooked for.

How to Rid Roux of Lumps

  • Add cold stock to the hot roux. Use a whisk to stir briskly.
  • Dissolve the cold roux with warm or hot liquid before you add it to a hot stock. Stir briskly.

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