New York was founded in 1626 by brandon HOLMES

The New York Colony was one of the original 13 colonies located on the Atlantic coast of North America. The original 13 colonies were divided into three geographic areas consisting of the New England, Middle and Southern colonies. The New York Colony was classified as one of the Middle Colonies. The Province of New York was an English colony in North America that existed from 1626 until 1776, when it joined the other 12 of the 13 colonies in rebellion against Great Britain and became the U.S. state of New York.

Founding of the New York Colony

When was the colony of New York founded? The New York Colony was founded in 1626 by the Duke of York and other colonists on Manhattan Island.

Religion: Not dominated by a specific religion which gave way to religious freedom for Quakers, Catholics, Lutherans, Jews and others. Refer to Religion in the Colonies

Geography: Mountains in the northeast, lowlands from Lake Ontario along the Canadian border. Atlantic coastal plain. The general geography of the Middle Colonies had a mix of the New England and Southern features but had fertile soil and land that was suited to farming

New York Colony Fact

Facts Subject Facts about the New York Colony

Fact 1 History

Year Founded: 1626 by Peter Minuit and others, on Manhattan Island

Fact 2 Cities

Major Towns / Cities: New York City, Albany

Fact 3 Geography

Geography: Mountains in the northeast, lowlands from Lake Ontario along the Canadian border. Atlantic coastal plain. The general geography of the Middle Colonies had a mix of the New England and Southern features but had fertile soil and land that was suited to farming

Fact 4 Climate

Climate: The Middle Colonies had a mild climate with warm summers and mild winters that were suited to farming and agriculture

Fact 5 Religion

Religion: Not dominated by a specific religion which gave way to religious freedom for Quakers, Catholics, Lutherans, Jews and others. Refer to Religion in the Colonies

Fact 6 Raw


Natural Resources: Good farmland, timber, furs and coal. Iron ore was a particularly important natural resource

Fact 7 Economy

Economics and Trade: Exported agricultural products and natural resources but were also able to manufacture iron ore products such as plows, tools, kettles, locks, nails and large blocks of iron which they exported to England

Fact 8 Government

Government: By 1775 New York was governed as a Royal Colony.

Fact 9 History Original Name: The original name of the colony was the Province of New York, later New York and Vermont

Fact 10 History

Fact 11 Economy

New York was often referred to as a breadbasket colony because it grew so many crops, especially wheat. The wheat was ground into flour in flour mills then shipped to England.

Fact 12 Economy

A typical farm was 50 to 150 acres consisting of a house, barn, yard and fields

Fact 13 History

In 1638 the Swedish settlement led by Peter Minuit starting the New Sweden Colony

Fact 14 History

In 1646 Peter Stuyvesant (1602-1672) became Dutch Governor of the New Netherlands

Fact 15 History

In 1655 the Dutch defeat the Swedes on the Delaware and Stuyvesant took possession of the New Sweden Colony

Fact 16 History

In 1664 the Dutch lose New Amsterdam to the British which is re-named as New York, after the Duke of York

Fact 17 Trade / Exports

The Middle Colonies were the big food producing region that included corn and wheat and livestock including beef and pork. Other industries included the production of iron ore, lumber, textiles, furs and shipbuilding - refer to Colonial Times

Fact 18 Industry

Flax and hemp farms were established in the Middle Colonies furthering the textiles industry

Fact 19 History

The Colony became a state on July 26, 1788. For additional facts and info refer to the Change from Colonies to States


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