The Tortoise and The Hare created by:reynaldo Solis//// Story by:aesop

Once up on a time in a far away forest, there was a Hare that always bragged about his speed and him being so fast. That one day a Tortoise decided to stand up, so he did.
He went up the Hare and said to him you know what, you think your so fast I challenge you to a race? The Hare agreed. Happy because he had the Advantage.
So on the day of the race, all the Animals from the forest gathered up and prepared form the race.
Both the Tortoise and Hare were ready for the race, and the crowd of animals cheered for them.
(Something more real if it were in our reality)🤣
Off they went, the Hare decided to take a nap because he thought he would have time to catch up if he needed. He did for the first time he took a nap, but then he did something else during the race and that mist him up. The Tortoise kept mentioning that it doesn't matter if your so fast as long you kept it pushing and never stop.
By the time the Hare noticed he was far behind, the Tortoise was almost to the finish line, he ran and ran.
But the Tortoise gave it all he had and the Hare ran faster, but the Tortoise won by a close win. And there went the Hare's reputation about his speed.

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