Blake: Lamb & Tyger By: Evan Bourke

Blake's View on God

William Blake views God as an omnipresent being that created all things in the world, evil and good. He calls God meek and mild, as well as saying that he became a child, Jesus. He also says that we are called to his name which shows that he is a devout Christian. In "The Tyger", Blake asks how the bad things can be made by the same thing that makes all the good things in the world.

Blake's View of Man's Nature

Blake uses repetition in "The Lamb" to show the innocence and purity that human inherently have. He then uses "The Tyger" to contradict "The Lamb" and to show that there is an opposite to all of the good in the world. I believe that he also wants to show his readers that God didn't only create all of the good things, but also their evil counterparts.

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