LEADERSHIP Power Aiden Guo

Reward Power

To motivate people with rewards to do what is told. It is very effective in controlling people. BUT the person may not know the reason to why he or she is doing the action for.


Referent Power

The person follows because of their likability. It can be an inspiration for those following. BUT it may be used for bad choices, such as peer pressure.

Be Like MIKE

Legitimate Power

Power given based on position of leadership. It shows the person has worked hard for that spot and is a capable leader. BUT he or she may abuse this power.

Information Power

Power based on the information the leader controls. It may be a good resource for other people. BUT it also power such as blackmailing can be used against others.

Everything is out there

Expert Power

Based on the leader's skill. Experts deliver accurate information more than others. BUT they also can feed false truths, abusing their position.


Connection Power

Power based on who a person knows another person in power. It can be a good asset in recommendations, but also may be abused for giving undeserving people power.

Coercive Power

The power of being able to give punishments or take away privileges. It is a very strong motivator. BUT it may block the meaningfulness of the project.

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