Current Issues #15: Technology and Social Media Topic: Technology

  • 1964: IBM makes the first computer operating system (1964), U.S. lands on the Moon (1969), 1st glass optical fiber (1970), Pong becomes one of the first commercialized video games (1972).
  • 1974: Barcodes are first seen on store products and used during checkout (1974), Microsoft is formed (1975), Gossamer Albatross crosses the English Channel using cycling-powered turbines (1979), The first permanent artificial heart is implanted (1982), The PC (personal computer) becomes hugely popular (1983).
  • 1984: USDA sells the 1st genetically engineered product/food (a tomato), CDs are developed by the companies Phillips, and Sony produced the first video cassette player which taped shows/movies and allowed consumers to re-watch media.
  • 1994: Tim Burns-Lee invents the World Wide Web (1991) after Microsoft releases Windows 3.0, flip phones became popular and replaced bag phones, and MP3's were developed in 1998 as the first portable sharing music format.
  • 2004: Y2K scare (2000), DeviantART is launched in 2000 as an artwork sharing site, AOL and Time Warner Cable combine companies, Wikipedia is launched (2001), Facebook is created (2004), Apple debuts their first iPhone (2007), 3D scanners become publicly available for purchase (2009).
  • 2014: Technological advances of the year includes the first hover board, Oculus Rift (virtual reality), Google makes a cancer-detecting pill and contact lenses which observe blood sugar levels, the Orion opens doors for humans landing on Mars, and the implementation of self-driving cars take off with trials.
  • 2016:


Created By
Amber Winstead


Created with images by Street matt - "Little and large"

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