Canada Sidney Henderson


Canada's system of government is inspired by the British parliamentary system. The parliament consist of two houses. The lower house: The House of Commons, includes 308 members. The upper house: The Senate, includes 105 members appointed by the prime minister and representing all regions of the country. The BNA Act made Canada a constitutional monarchy. Queen Elizabeth is Canada's head of state. MP's or members of parliament are elected directly by eligible Canadian voters every 5 years in a system known as first past the post. All citizens 18 or over may run run unless they are convicted of a crime.


Canada is one of the worlds wealthiest nations ranking 11th by nominal GDP (gross domestic product) and the 20th largest GDP per capita based on PPP (purchasing power parity). In 2013 unemployment was 7.0 percent after the global recession in the 1980's. 75% of the nations population is employed by the service sector which dominates Canada's economy. Recently the Canadian Dollar has strengthened which will further cut into Canada's export values. International trade makes up a large part of Canada's economy and America is Canada's largest trading partner.


The main religion in Canada is Christianity. In 2011 39% of people claimed Roman Catholic and 27% Protestant. The other 24% didn't follow any religion. Immigrants of the 20th century brought over many different religions like Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam, Chinese religions and the Baha'i faith.

Social Structure

Social structure isn't really as important to Canadians as it is to Americans. Many people think of Canada as a middle class society because they base the classes off education level, occupation, consumption and lifestyle. Most of the upper or working class wield a lot power due to earned or inherited wealth. The middle class is divided into upper and lower subcategories. The upper level holds the higher level degrees and the lower level holds like bachelor's and associates degrees. The lower working class tend to have less education and for many of the under class there are welfare systems provided.


The top 5 thriving industries in Canada are energy, agriculture, manufacturing, technology, and service. Canada quickly became world leader in energy resources due to it's abundance in oil and natural gas. Canada is one of the largest suppliers in the world for agriculture products and over time they have become a world leader in energy resources. The service sector employs more than 80% of Canada's GDP and manufacturing industries make up 14% of Canada's GDP. Also, thanks to Canadian Startup Visa they have become one of the strongest in the world technology wise.

Arts and Entertainment

There are a number of things to do in Canada from visiting national parks and peaks to going to the many museums. Canada's most natural tourist attraction is Niagara Falls. It's about an hour from Toronto along the American border. Another thing is Banff National Park and the Rocky Mountains in the province of Alberta. In the winter time Banff is the place to be and home to two of Canada's most prominent ski resorts. On the shores of Lake Ontario is one of Canada's most famous landmark, the iconic CN Tower. It offer dining in it's revolving restaurant, 360, and also the Look Out and Glass Floor. Lastly, near The Forks, Winnipeg's newest attraction os Canada's Museum for Human Rights. The museum focuses on different themes, displaying different personal stories and perspectives.


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