Holy People of Middle Ages ZOEY

St Francis of Assisi- He gave up his life of luxury for Christianity when he started hearing gods voice

St Francis of Assisi- On his way to Christianity he fell deeply in love with nature and animals and sometimes blessed them

His fellow preachers became a community and then he was founded a religious house the religious house was the beginning of the ORDER OF PREACHERS (Dominicans)
Leo IX was canonized and at the age of 25 he was consecrated bishop. Seeking approval of clergy and citizens he traveled to Rome and Italy and gained consent of masses.


Created with images by Renaud Camus - "Le Jour ni l'Heure 5508 : En Lomagne — château de Plieux, c. 1340, Plieux, Gers, Gascogne, Midi-Pyrénées, France, mardi 31 janvier 2012, 16:21:22" • sammydavisdog - "statue of st francis of assisi" • Randy OHC - "St. Francis of Assisi (full view)" • Rennett Stowe - "St Dominic" • Provenance Online Project - "Woodcut of St. Dominic" • moedermens - "Saint Leo IX"

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