Anne Frank Portfolio Jake MorroW-period 3

Anne Video Biography

Exploring Anne Frank's Amsterdamn

The Anne Frank House

During World War II the Frank family, along with other Jewish families, went into hiding in a secret annex in the house. The secret annex was above Anne's father's business and the door to it was hiding behind a bookshelf.

This image shows the door to Anne's father's business which was below the secret annex.

The Van Gogh Museum

The Van Gogh museum is an art museum dedeictated to the works of Vincent Van Gogh. The museum is located at the Musuem Square in Southern Amsterdam.

This is the entrance building to the Van Gogh museum

Nuremberg Law

The picture shows how the Germans determined if someone was Jewish.

1. Marriage between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood are forbidden. Marriages nevertheless concluded are invalid, even if concluded abroad to circumvent the law. Annulment proceedings can be initiated only by the State Prosecutor.

2. Extramarital intercourse between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood is forbidden.

3. Jews may not employ in their household female subjects of the state of German or related blood who are under 45 years old.

4. Jews are forbidden to fly the Reich or National flag or to display the Reich colors. They are, on the other hand, permitted to display the Jewish colors. The exercise of this right is protected by the State.

5. Any person who violates the prohibition under I will be punished by a prison sentence with hard labor. A male who violates the prohibition under I will be punished with a prison sentence with or without hard labor. Any person violating the provisions under III or IV will be punished with a prison sentence of up to one year and a fine, or with one or the other of these penalties. The Reich Minister of the Interior, in coordination with the Deputy of the Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice, will issue the Legal and Administrative regulations required to implement and complete the Law. The Law takes effect on the day following promulgations except for III, which goes into force on January 1, 1936. Nuremberg, September 15, 1935 at the Reich Party Congress of Freedom.

Nuremberg laws were a set of laws that were made to separate Jews from anything that had to do with Germans. Jews could not marry or have relationships with people of German blood. The Laws also prevented Jews from showing any connection to the country of Germany. One of the laws state that Jews can not fly the Reich or national flag or display the Reich colors. Germans were so serious about separting Jews from Germany, that Jews who broke these laws were punished by prison time, hard labor, and fines.


Propaganda is a way of promoting or publicizing an idea in a biased or misleading way. The information used is primarily meant to influence an audience. The types of propaganda are demonization, emotional appeals, name calling, patriotic appeals, half-truths or lies, catchy slogans, visual symbols, and humor or caricature. All of these types of propagand are made to chaneg peoples emotions towards something to get them to react. Propaganda is used to make a certain audience feel a desired way towards an enemy, so they will help fight the enemy.


Anne Frank

Anne Frank was a Jewish girl that went into hiding from the Nazi's in a secret annex and wrote a diary about her experiences.

Otto Frank

Otto Frank is the Father of Anne Frank, and he was a army lieutenant for the German army. He was also the owner of the business they were hiding on top of.

Peter van Pels

Peter van Pels is a 16 year old boy that joins the Frank's in hiding. Throughout the time hiding, Anne develops feeling for him.

Edith Frank

Edith was the mother of Anne and Margot and the wife of Otto Frank. Edith and Anne did not have as close of a relationship as Otto did with Anne.

Act 1 Summary

In Act 1, The Franks and the Van daans go into hiding in the secret annex. At the start of hiding they are doing ok, but as they are in hiding longer they start disagreeing and getting frustrated with each other. Along with the already small living space and small amounts of food, another member joins the secret annex named Mr. Feffer. Anne must share a room with him and she does not enjoy him.

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

When did the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising take place?

The Uprising began on April 19, 1943 and continued until May 16, 1943.

How many people died in the Warsaw Ghetto?

A total of 13,000 Jewish people died, but German casualties were less than 300.

How many German soldiers and Jewish fighters were killed in the uprising?

About 300 German soldiers were killed in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and about 7,000 Jewish fighters were killed.

As a result of the uprising, what did it do for Jewish morale in Poland?

The Jewish uprising in Warsaw gave inspiration to Jewish Morale and inspired other uprisings in ghettos and killing centers.

Anne Frank Act II Summary

In "Act II" of The Diary of Anne Frank, the people hiding in the secret annex have been hiding for over a year and they are all thinner and tired of being locked up all day. Anne and Peter have developed feelings for each other and are spending lots of time together. Peter's parents disapprove of Anne being with Peter, but both of them ignore the parents. Things between Mrs. Frank and the Van Daan's get very intense when Mrs. Frank wakes up in the middle of the night and catches Mr. Van Daan stealing food. Mrs. Frank wants to kick them out of the secret annex but Mr. Frank calms her down and lets the Van Daan's stay. After all of this, Miep brings them news of the invasion, which brings much better spirits to all of the people hiding in the annex, but it does not last long. A few weeks later, the phone starts ringing, and it brings great tension among everyone because they know something strange is happening. After the phone calls the Nazi's pull up to the building and enter the building and take everybody away.


Created with images by Blok 70 - "amsterdam" • lmgadelha - "Anne Frank Huis, Amsterdam" • Abeeeer - "Anne Frank's 4" • nathanh100 - "The Van Gogh Museum, 1983" • yusi.barclay - "Van Gogh museum - Amsterdam" • MAMJODH - "Star of David, computer generated image - Png file, Attention only the maximum original size is in png format" • slgckgc - "Chanukah, Eighth Night"

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