#CommunityMVP WEEK FIVE /////// EDDIE LACY

Week Five // MVP // EDDIE LACY

Eddie Lacy of the Green Bay Packers hosted a VIP bowling night with all of the proceeds benefitting the local Freedom House, which provides emergency services for families in need.

Before he became a Pro Bowl running back, Lacy and his family were deeply impacted by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. As a result, he strongly connects with Freedom House and its mission to serve and uplift families.

“I feel like I can relate to people in those situations because I was once there myself,” Lacy said. “To able to give back to people is definitely a great deed.”

The Oct. 10 bowling fundraiser is an extension of Lacy’s continued outreach with Freedom House. Last year, he helped organize a food and clothing drive before surprising guests at Freedom House with the items and a $5,000 cash donation.

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