Happylife Homes

The Happylife homes company is proud to introduce cutting edge audio technology wich recognise when you tell it very complex commands like: lights on. The A.I. called AVA recognises your command and executes it as soon a fifteen minutes later.

The brand new Happylife homes cooker is here! It practically cooks by itself all you have to do is say what you want to eat. It will do a quick internet search and it will find the highest rated recipe. Then, it will tell you exactly what to do and how to do it. All you have to do is cook. Simple.

Are you tired of flushing your toilet yourself? Say no more, the automatic toilet flusher will take care of that for you. All you have to is say: Flush toilet and it will take care of that for you, it is the most useful and essential thing you will ever need in your life.

Have a back ache? You don't need to worry, there is a massage feature that will probably... maybe fix your back. Well, help to fix your back. Anyway, it's a machine that massages you, and it's kind of comfortble. Buy it. Please.

In an attempt to fulfill your every need, we have invented a brand new device, an automatic hair dresser. you put on a helmet wich scans your brain and finds out what your favorite hairstyle is. Then, it communicates the information to a hairbrush and scissors via a gigantic wire. All you have to do then is pick up the brush and the scisors and style your hair. Results are not guaranteed.

Created By
Lorie Ouellet

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