Tour of the Harn Museum Luke Pfeiffer

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Left: Dancing Ganesh (India) | Right: Francis Kodow Coker, "Chinese" Style Fancy Dress Costume

I recently visited the Harn Museum of art and am documenting my experience here. Although I am not really an art person, it was super cool seeing all of the professional art right here on campus.

Medium of the Art

Old Man's Cloth, El Anatsui

This is a piece of art that only be truly appreciated in person. In photographs it appears minuscule compared to it's actual size. The artwork is massive. And until I read more about the piece I had just assumed it was made from typical cloth. Instead, it is made of metals and liquor bottle labels. I was nearly in shock when I had learned these two things. How can such a massive piece be made from non traditional tapestry material? The artwork made me feel humbled. A human being had made such an impressive structure. It just made me feel like anything was possible. With that being said, the piece communicated to me that the human race is capable of great things and I could be someone to make an amazing new thing.

Design of the Museum

I decided to check out the Asian Art Wing for this aspect of the assignment. The first thing I noticed about this exhibit is how open the space was. Everything was laid out a good distance apart and their were several pieces displayed on the floor. I also thoroughly enjoyed the mostly natural lighting of the exhibit, this gave it a very lively feel. Overall the exhibit makes me feel like I am in a natural setting with really cool art and that I could enjoy each piece of art at my leisure due to the arrangement of the pieces.

Art and Core Values

Manhatten, George Grosz

This piece by George Grosz is very different from traditional paintings of Manhattan. Rather than a bright and cheery picture as normally depicted of anywhere in New York, the painting makes the city seem dirty and uninhabitable. This piece of art instills a feeling similar to fear. The picture has a very "all hope is lost" feeling to it. Since I personally would like to live in a large city in the near future, this makes me double down on that belief. I cherish the thought of living in a big city living the big city life. Although the paintings paints a very dreary image of big cities, I will continue to pursue my dream.

Art and the Good Life

This is the fourth stop for Good Life students. Not entirely sure why some art is stored in drawers like this but did add to the impact of the art which I will explain shortly.

Cast of Thousands, Sebastiao Salgado

This is the piece that I decided to use for the "Art and the Good Life" portion of this assignment. This is an image of thousands of people searching for gold in Brasil. The image seems very chaotic and it is hard to follow what is truly going on. It adds to the theme that you do not know what is going on from a distance. For instance, because the image is taken from such a distance, it is hard to piece together what every individual is doing. This can be applied to the concept of not judging someone before you meet him or her. The figurative distance here is the lack of understanding of said person. This contributes to my understanding of the Good Life because it has shown me that judging from a distance is not a good way to be and an overall more enjoyable life can be lead if judging before meeting someone is erased from my life.

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