A Prayer for owen meany Alex Bailey

A Prayer for Owen Meany is a story of the boy (Owen) with a wrecked voice who was an instrument of John's mothers death, but at the same time is the reason why John believes in God.

Tabby, John's mother, was hit in the temple by a baseball at her son's little league game. Seeing her obituary in the Gravesend Tribune surprised many people and tore many hearts.

Owen Meany was the boy who hit the baseball to kill Tabby. Owen was no criminal by any means; he first thought his life was over.

My haiku was not my best work, and it was not very creative; that's why I put it next to the creative writing sign.

My bookmark looks much better in my book :) On a plain white sliver of paper I listened some quotes, a drawn picture of Owen, and a setting of Gravesend.

This was at one time a video of the interview of the "Baseball Killer" Owen Meany. Clyde's goal was to break down the mind of the mysterious boy.

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