Neritic Zone By: Jackson Griffin/Nicholas Snyder

Neritic Zone- The shallow water of the ocean from the land the land where the water touches to the drop off also. The place where many people swim while they are at the beach.

Many habitats of aquatic animals that live in a neritic zone.

Many divers swim in Neritic Zones, and research the wild life there.

The Neritic Zone is found right before the drop off in the ocean

Created By
Jackson Griffin


Created with images by Derek Keats - "Shallow reef, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA, #pictures, #photography" • Derek Keats - "Shallow reef, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA, #pictures, #photography" • Derek Keats - "Shallow in colour, Red Sea, Egypt #underwater #snorkel #pictures" • Derek Keats - "Shallow scene of immense clarity - another scene" • Derek Keats - "More shallow coral formations at Big Brother Island, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA" • Derek Keats - "Shallow coral garden with half-and-half chromis at Gota Abu Ramada, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA" • Derek Keats - "The shallow reef, Red Sea, Egypt #underwater #snorkel #pictures" • Derek Keats - "Shallow coral garden - diver above"

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