Welcome 2017! EN CAMPUS LUCBAN

Last December, we believe God for 3 Victory groups from Junior High School and 2 Victory groups from Senior High School at the end of April 2017 in Paaralang Sekundarya ng Lucban.

And just last month, by the grace of God, we started 3 Victory Groups from Junior High School and 1 Victory group from Senior High School.

2 victory groups from grade 10 students. They meet every thursday at 12nn after their class. these 2 victory are led by two students. :)
1 victory group from grade 11 students. we meet every Wednesday, 3pm.
Victory group is our weekly meetings with students wherein we discuss topic that will help them to know more about God and the different principles that they can learn from the Bible. It is a great opportunity to disciple these students.
These students represent future family of our society and as we teach them now to follow Jesus, to be established in the church and to share their faith to other people who still don’t have a relationship with God, we can be sure of better future.
Right now, we believe God for 10 Victory Groups. For us, it seems impossible but God says in the scripture, “Is anything too hard for me?” – Nothing is impossible with our God. As we preach the gospel, one student at a time, we are already making a difference and as you partner with us in doing this, you are also making an impact in the next generation. Thank you for sending us.
We are asking for your prayers as we believe for greater things this year

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