Twilight Book Review By: ANgel, mms

“Crumple” Edward stepped on the leaves that had fallen from the tees. Edward had Bella on his back. They’re running from something. You have to read Twilight to find out what they were running from. Bella wanted to stay in Phoenix, Miami but she had to move to Fork, Washington so she made some friends and got a truck by her dad Charlie.
My favorite part is when Edward had saved Bella from a crash because Edward was across the field and had to lie to protect Bella.
The life lesson in Twilight is that you shouldn’t try to cover your feelings or your feeling will get piled up and make you depressed.
Twilight’s greatest values is the cover, chapters, characters, and the description because if you look at the cover it’s very detailed and then if you read the back it makes you want to read the book. When you read the first seven chapters of Twilight you will see the detail and hard work Stephenie Meyer's put in the book.
Fantasy lovers would love the Twilight series because of the werewolves and vampires any fangirls would love.
Created By
Angel Kern


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