Concert-Goer Optimize your live-music experience!

This project will improve the experiences of audiences at live-music festivals by allowing users to rate their concert experience based on their enjoyment of the performance and the quality of the venue.

"bandsintown" app

Zach Kaplan - Primary Investigator

Joe Johnson - Partner from "bandsintown"/"ticketmaster"

Nick Steinle - Head of Crowdsourcing/App Manager

Much like how Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic bring the movie-going community together, this project will bring together the concert-going, live-music loving community.

Redesign and convergence with app “bandsintown”

This DH Project collects data from its users.

By working alongside ticketmaster/bandsintown and the concert venues themselves, we aim to improve the quality of music events based on the the audience's own voices.

1. Rate venue based on ticket prices, seating, sound quality, and bar/merchandise quality.

2. Rate performance based on the song line-up, and the band's enthusiasm/energy.

3. In the end, helping concert-goers make decisions based on the live-music community.

Created By
Zach Kaplan

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