Part Of The Family DeShurley&Westbrook + Nissan

Through a variety of media, DeShurley&Westbrook plans to drive Nissan into the hearts and homes of families everywhere. We plan to grow your family by bringing it to others.

We want to show each Nissan model, each part of your family, has its own characteristics, just like members of the consumers' families.


Our first method is print media. Ads like these will be placed in magazines like Glamour, Southern Living, GQ, ESPN, Men's and Women's Health and other large-circulation publications.

Souther Living & GQ

The next platform is social media. With the vast majority of our demographic on at least one social media platform, DS&W wants your family, the Nissan family, constantly engaged with families everywhere.


We will stay constant across all platforms to better target our demographic. With high-quality photos and easy-to-read text, there's no doubt consumers will fall in love with your family.

The #PartOfTheFamily will include consumers by allowing them to use this hashtag to show pictures of their Nissans and how they use various models. Whether it's for fun, safety, power or efficiency, there's a part of the Nissan family for every family.


Along with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, we want to show off your family with Snapchat, the fastest-growing social media platform.

In addition to the filter, we will take advantage of the "story" component of the app.

And to finish our Internet reach, we will use Adobe Spark to make web pages, like this one, to make presentations a little more fun.

By giving Nissan a relatable array of characteristics, DS&W will grow Nissan's family by the thousands.

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