Propaganda from the American Revolution By, Abhivrudh kandala & Danny Maurath

Made by Benjamin Franklin in 1754. This is to tell the colonies that they have to join together or they will perish.

Literal Meaning - A snake chopped into pieces labeled by the 5 colonies and New England.

Figurative Meaning - If the colonies are apart they will not be strong enough to face the British and get their freedom.

Made by Paul Revere in 1770. It is called the "Boston Massacre." This shows the sentiments among the colonists before the start of the war.

Literal Meaning - Made to show what happened during the Boston Massacre. The red coats are shooting the people. The colonists are innocent and the British started the fight.

Figurative Meaning - A colonist hit a red coat which caused the red coat to defend himself and strike back. Slowly everyone started attacking each other and a fight broke out.

Called the "The Bostonians in Distress" Was involved in the London Newspaper in 1774 after the Boston Tea Party.

Literal Meaning - People are stuck in a cage, hanging from the branch of the Liberty tree. They are also getting poked by a pitch fork from people on a boat. There are cannons set up under the tree.

Figurative Meaning - This print is showing the loyalists poking the patriots in a cage to show that they are in control and more powerful then them.

This is by Philip Dawe made in 1774. He made this to depict the tarring - and - feathering of Boston Commissioner of Customs (John Malcom) by the revolutionaries under the Liberty Tree. This was a propaganda which came from the British.

Literal Meaning - John Malcom getting torched by the revolutionaries.

Figurative Meaning - Showing John Malcom getting hit under the Liberty Tree. Telling the British to back off.

This was used to call men to arms two centuries ago.

Literal Meaning - Men who are getting ready for battle and their positions.

Figurative Meaning - Men (Soldiers) getting ready and called for battle.


Created with images by brianfakhoury - "paul revere boston statue"

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