Film Production Portfolio Breanna Reynaga

The only person you are destined to become, is the person you decide to be....

My name is Breanna Reynaga and I am a young, aspiring film director. I hope to one day work in all aspects of the film industry with the end goal of directing at least one motion picture. I am enrolled at the Clovis Community College where I will be taking more film classes to which I will then transfer to either CalArts or UCLA to further my education of the film industry with hands on learning and internships. I have always had a passion for film dating back to my seventh grade year when I took a film studies class and was introduced into the different aspects of film and the techniques the directors and producers used to convey their emotions and stories. I went on to continue my interest and education of the film industry by enrolling in the Center for Advanced Research and Technology where I attended the multimedia lab. Throughout my enrollment I was introduced to several Adobe programs such as Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Prelude. I learned camera angles and shots as well as color correction, editing, and special effects. CART has introduced me to several new opportunities and given me a chance to be hands on in my learning. Even though I am not the best by far, I know that I will improve and this is only the first step of my career in the film industry.

Save Today is my aesthetic media project that was produced, directed, and filmed all on my own as it was my final project during my enrollment at the Center for Advanced Research and Technology (CART). Save Today is a short film that follows the relationship and lives of a young couple dealing with drug abuse. This project utilized the programs Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro.

Switchboard is a film that follows the life of young skateboarder Shane and the obstacles he faces in his journey to complete his dream of winning a local skate competition and becoming a professional skateboarder. Facing off with his father over a passion that has become an obsession after the death of Shane's mother is only the beginning as Shane's encounter with authorities and heartbreak progresses. Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects are utilized throughout this project in order to give the film a more cinematic look and feel.

Mental Joke is a documentary that focuses on a non-profit organization that dedicates all their fundraisers and efforts into finding new ways to provide treatment for those who suffer from mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. The documentary is meant to bring awareness to those who do not fully understand the cause and effects a mental illness can have on a patient. Adobe Premiere Pro was utilized for this project to arrange photographs and interviews conducted in a timely order that easily conveyed the seriousness of the film.

For this short scene, me production team and another were to write a script and storyboard based off of a small description of an object. We were meant to create a suspenseful scene that we believed would convey the emotions of fear and anxiety accurately to the viewer. Adobe Premiere Pro was used to import footage and color correct as needed.

This recreation of the original Door Scene was recreated using another production team's storyboard and script. Each team was forced to hand off their own script and concepts to another team in order to demonstrate to each student how crucial it is to get details and locations accurate enough on paper so that others can easily understand the thought process and concepts of someone else.

A short animated sequence created in Adobe After Effects. The small spindle with my name included was a warm up and practice assigned to me at the beginning of my CART enrollment in order to introduce the program to me.

Adobe Premiere Pro was utilized to create a short thirty second promotional teaser to interest and introduce people to the Center for Advanced Research and Technology. Interviews with students were conducted in order to gain an inside look into how CART benefits students and what type of environment it is.

The Mother's Day video was a gift to my mother. The moving picture show was meant to convey to my mother just how beautiful she is to her husband and children. The program Adobe Premiere pro was used to give the pictures action as well as create the opening and closing text.


Created By
Breanna Reynaga


Created with images by WorldEnglish - "sunset scenic sky" • 422694 - "girl depression sadness"

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