The Birds By Colton a.

There was planes flying above and they thought that they were there to help with the problem.

This is an example of foreshadowing because the planes showing up means that planes will have something to do with solving the problem and they will show up at some point.

There was a national emergency declared finally.

This is a example of foreshadowing because of the fact that the problem is bad and that the government will have a role in the book here soon to get rid of the birds.

There was birds that shouldn't and don't flock together laying dead beside each other.

This is a example of foreshadowing because it shows that the birds behavior is weird because those birds should not be together so something has changed and is going to happen.


Created with images by Cristiano Betta - "Crow" • stuart.mike - "Air Canada 787" • France1978 - "Vintage Zenith Table Radio, Model H723Z, Chassis 7H04Z, Broadcast (BC) And FM Bands, 7 Tubes, Made In USA, Circa 1950" • tanlmcc - "birds"

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