Uss Arizona By Blaine Kostrzewski

The naval ship Arizona served in the navy from 1916 to 1941. On March 16, 1914 the navy yard would commence construction of the 39th battleship. It would later be appointed uss arizona.
The uss Arizona was one of two Pennsylvania class ships. They were a bona fide duo. The uss Arizona was 608 ft in length. A typical crew was "915 officers and sailors". "Displacement was 29,630 tons under standard load".
The Arizona set sail for the first time in April of 1917. She was assigned to battleship division 8.
December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked by 353 imperial Japanese fighter jets. Six aircraft carriers displaced waves of bombers and torpedo planes.
All oF the eight us naval ships weRe damaged. Four of them sank. All were raised Exept the Uss arizona . There was 2,403 american casualties. And 1,178 otheres were wounded.
Still to this day you can visit a memorial for the ship. It is located in honolulu hawaii. Pearl harbor will be forever Remembered and saluted.

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