10 Places I want To Go In America By: Megan Houston

New York City

I want to visit New York City (NYC). They play ALL KINDS OF MUSIC THERE!!!!!! There is a chock-full of events at New York City.

Orlando, FLorida

I also would love to go to Orlando, Florida! I think they have a Universal fun place there, and it would be awesome to experience that. OH MY GOSH!! there is also a Disney's Blizzard Beach at Orlando, Florida. I would love to go there.


Oh my gosh oh my gilly. I would love to visit Houston Texas for a few days to the least. There is an awesome museum in Houston that I want to see. I think it would be cool. Also there is a Wortham center. It looks pretty cool to go take a look at.


Seattle looks like a really fun place to go to. I would really like to se the Seattle needle. I also would love love love... love to go to the Woodland Park Zoo.


Oh my oh my oh my!! I would love to go to see the Chicago Bean. There is a lot of cool resturaunts in Chicago. There is actually 50 I would love to go to at least 10 of them.


Wow would you look at that picture of Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania there is a National Civil War Museum that I want to see. Longwood Gardens sound really nice too!!!!!!


Miami looks really fun to visit. I mostly want to go visit the Miami Beach. Also a lot of celeberties visit Miami Beach everyday.


I here people talk about Hawaii all the time. I definantly want to witness Humpback Whale. Also the Hawaii's Volcanic National Park.


Portland seems pretty superb to visit. A plce there that I want to go is Portland Oregon. Also I would love to visit a place called Washington Park.


I would love to go to this place; it is soooooooooooo beautiful. I would like to go to the Forsyth Park because it is so beautiful there. OH MY GILLY!! I would love to go look around the Savannah Historic District.

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