Support the one who served Horace Johnson

The VA has covered about 20-40% of veterans, still about 20,000-40,000 are or still waiting for money and shelter, still on the streets, some suffer from alcohol consumption and some suffer mental illnesses.but what matters is we're leaving them like that, people who's been honored in wars are now sitting on the cold streets
Homeless veterans with mental health counseling should be assisted and helped by the services-Substance abuse treatment and job training. They shouldn't be giving veterans just Money,simply giving them money is going to do nothing but exacerbating their problems of use of their addictions and problems
Some Services cant provide all homeless veterans, And its down to volunteers and counties to care for the homeless veterans and help them thru clothing and food drives.
It could be argued that people want veterans on the street or don't want to help them because they think they brought this poverty on themselves.But it wasn't their fault.
Over time, the enemies may of changed but our heroism in our soldiers never has.


Created with images by The U.S. Army - "The Normandy Invasion" • dimitrisvetsikas1969 - "greek independence day parade military"

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