The Life of Saint Peter Nina garcia

Saint peters feast day is June 29th. He is the patron saint of fisherman, net makers and ship builders. He died at the age of 64

During his life he faithfully followed Jesus as his diciple and taught his teachings even after Jesus died.

Peter is one of the first disciples of Jesus. Jesus called him while he was a fisherman and asked him to be a fisher of men. Also, Jesus changed his name from Simon to Peter, Peter meaning rock to be the foundation of the the church. Peter became the first pope of Rome.

Saint Peter is normally portrayed with keys; this is because in the Gospel of Matthew 16:19, Jesus says to Peter, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven."

Jesus gives Peter the keys to heavan and trusts him to guard the gates of heaven.

When Saint Peter died he decided to be crucified upside down because he thought he was unworthy of dying the same way Jesus did.

He was crucified in 1601 by Agustus Caesar.

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