Lol... omg Chapter 10 Your DIGITAL citizenshiP


Your in control

The digital world is only as good or bad as we make it. The internet isn't a conscious being making its own decisions. People around the globe are contributing to its development- weather they are entrepreneurs creating new social media sites moms writing blogs or students useing facebook.

You be the judge

No book can tell you how to be a good person. Life has too many gray areas. And the internet presents even more. Ultimately, you have to decide what is right in accordance with your own personal values.

The tenth test

The final test is your test. This is the test that matters most.consider how what you are doing reflects on you as a person.what does it say about you? Do you like what it says about you? Everyone is susceptible to errors in judgement.

Favorite quote-the real name test it made me fell inspired.

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