Immigration By Andrew saldana

immigration is people that have to be sent back to their home town because of what they believe in and what race because they are different from others. people that are racist to others make them feel bad and they have to be sent away

50 years ago immigration was very hard because if an immigrant tried to leave a certain country they would get beaten and or killed in the states of iraq or iran. people think that all immigrants are bad and that they will destroy our community. but most immigrants are very nice for America because they are not breaking laws they are just looking for an affordable home and a good school.

50 years from now people will have a right to travel where ever and whenever they want. immigration will be lifted and nobody will have to be racist to other people because of their flaws. immigration will be forgotten and immigrants will have equal rights.

"if you want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... the people who give you their food give you their heart" by cesar chavez "You are never strong enough that you don't need help".by Cesar chavez

What i can do to help immigration: demand freedom to travel anywhere we feel like by going to the president with a million people and say "we want to be able to travel wherever we like and whenever we like" without worrying to show documentation


Created with images by skeeze - "new york city 1890 vintage" • Britt Selvitelle - "Immigration Reform Rally" • Arian Zwegers - "Bukhara, Silk and Spices festival, girl in traditional costume" • milesgehm - "27 English Beat Ceasar Chavez Park.JPG"

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