Most Famous Game In The World PRODIGY

Did you know that more than 9,000,000 kids in grades 1-8 are playing Prodigy? If you donĀ“t know how to play Prodigy, then I will teach you. First I will teach you how to battle people second I will teach you how to catch pets third I will teach you how to become a member.

It is really fun to battle people! If you want to battle people then click on the person then click battle. Then click attack and choose one of the spells you want to use. Then when you used the spell you wanted to use it will happen on the person you are battling so now you know how to battle people.

Catching pets is really fun! To catch pets when you're battling people you have click catch. And there will be a spin wheel in the middle of the spin wheel there will be an arrow. When the arrow is pointing catch that's when you click catch. It will cost you 500 gold to buy a pet. Know you know how to catch pets.

When you become a member, you can buy cool stuff!!! To become a member it cost $59.88 per year. If you become a member, you can go in the dark tower. If you become a member you can buy all of the things. So that's how you become a member.

Let's start playing Prodigy! Now you have learned how to battle people, how to catch pets, and how to become a member. I hope you loved this article and LET'S START PLAYING PRODIGY!!!

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