A Day at the Play Created by: Mahalia taylor

On December 1-3, the PHS Drama Club hosted their fall musical, Mary Poppins. The performance went well for the cast, all three nights had a room full of people in the auditorium.
Here are a few main stars of the play: (pictured above) Marry Poppins-Angle Pierce, Bert-Keegan Anderson, Micheal Banks- Grayson McGowen, and Jane Banks- Julian Keen
The musical was held at the Ruth Uyesugi auditorium. All props and scenes where made and created by the cast and helpers.
The musical had both comedy and adventure in it. The members always add their own small touch to their plays. This year it was a few new dance moves, and some small fun comments.
After the very successful musical ends, the cast comes out to take a bow and thank the crowd.
This year the cast thanked their Director Maria Wishart, she then ended the show with thanking the crowd and the curtains closed.
The cast then goes back stage to change from their costumes, they stay and help clean everything up and then they leave and go home.
Created By


Mahalia Taylor

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