Divergent Factions

Abnegation is Selfless

Members included: Tris's mom, dad, and brother, Marcus.

Their headquarter is located in North Fair field; north west side.

The members have to wear uniforms. The member's houses are simple; grey cement and few windows.

Dauntless are Brave

Members included: Four, Eric, Tris, Peter, and Will.

Their headquarters are located far from town in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Members in the faction takes the train, stays in a glass facility, and are known as dangerous.

Erudite are known for Knowledge

Members included: Caleb and Jeanine Matthews.

Headquarters are located less than a mile from Navy Pier.

Members live in stone buildings that overlook the marsh.

Amity are know for their Peacefulness

Only member includes: Robert.

Headquarter location is where track ends; Pingtom park.

Members are known for their red and yellow color.

Candor is known for their Honesty

Members included: Christina, Drew, Edward, and Mariah.

Headquarters are located on West Roosevelt Road.

Members wear black and white. Members also explore courthouses and federal buildings.

Divergent are known as being Different

Members included: Tris.

No known headquarters.

Being Divergent is very dangerous. Divergent is when you are a mix of the five factions.


Created with images by romanboed - "Chicago" • blathlean - "Fire" • DGlodowska - "book reading love story" • dimitrisvetsikas1969 - "branch sunset nature" • QuotesEverlasting - "''Honesty- The best of all the lost arts'' - Mark Twain" • NiceChild90 - "center convergence construction"

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