View from afar My art prodigy

The beginning of an art project

Of course, starting new projects is tough. You have questions to ask yourself; " What color is the background, the sky?" " What colors do I want to use?" But I thought the hardest part was choosing the best drawing rough drafts. But after the help from a few friends, I finally chose the best one and went with it.

My Essential Question: How can I add texture to my artwork?

I chose this because I really liked watching videos of people adding texture to their artworks using palette knives, and I really wanted to try it out.

For my project, the media that I used was acrylic paint. I chose this because I added modeling paste to make it thicker, so I can add texture.

The picture below was my first quick sketch on what my art project was suppose to look like.

So after I had a good idea of what I wanted to do, I just gave the canvas a thin layer of many different colors of brown; representing the colors of the sand.

This is how it started to look like. So like I said before, I added modeling paste to the paint to add the texture. In this first picture, the only places that have texture is the small oasis and the mountains in the background.

In the picture above, you can clearly see that a lot has been done already. I added a few black animal figures, pyramids, did more to the oasis, the birds in the sky, the textured sky, and the hill in the foreground.
So I didn't like how my animals where looking, so I added one more pyramid and made them bigger and added texture to them. I then decided on adding the camels in front of the pyramids.

I thought it was finished, but the middle seemed so empty. Something was missing, so I just ended up just adding one palm tree.

The image above was my final art project, it doesn't look nothing like how I imagine it in the beginning. But, I actually liked how it ended up looking.


Created with images by David Rosen Photography - "Sarah sand dune sunset" • wonderferret - "What ?" • Hans - "wood painted rods" • bodobe - "painting draw pencils"

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