Biomedical Engineer Chrissyaunna Brown | Second Period

Biomedical Engineers: Where do they work and what do they do?

Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes. Their work places can include, but are not limited to hospitals, laboratories, and offices. So, they primarily work inside.

Major Responsibilities

Biomedical engineers are supposed to design new and innovated systems and products. They can come up with mechanical limbs and new technology that can solve basic problems that doctors can have.


The current annual salary of this career ranges from $52,000 to $159,000

Job of the Future?

The demand for the job is supposed to increase by 23% from 2014 to 2024, which is above average.

As long as you have a good theoretical understanding, practical knowledge, and determination. This job can be for you.


The minimum education needed is a bachelors degree in engineering, statistics and calculus, biology, physiology, or organic chemistry

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Chrissyaunna Brown

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