
The Redesign of a Computer lab “There are three teachers of children: adults, other children, and their physical environment.” – Loris Malaguzzi

How might we capture the essence of the Huasteca Mountains into an irresistible canvas for learning?

Discovery as observation: How does space impact the current learning experience?

What's the first word that comes to mind when you enter this space?

Bored, Stressed, Plain, Limited

How might we enhance what we love and design around obstacles which restrict inspirational learning?

Storage, flexibility, agility, and mobility began to emerge as potential drivers.
Discovery as empathy building: How might we gain insight into the desired user experience?

What do we want learning to feel like, and what could it look like?

Inspiring learning means creating
Interpretation: What drivers emerged to inform a better plausible learning experience?
Drivers to inform the redesign of the Tech and Business learning experience.

"Students with limited classroom daylight were outperformed by those with the most natural light by 20% in math and 26% on reading tests"

-Ki Education

What's the first word that comes to mind in the ReDesigned classroom?

Inspired, WOW!, Curious, Active, Open
Choice, Design, Versatility, Ambience, Purposeful, and Storage as spacial concept prototypes
Evolution: The space continues to be iterated upon based on user feedback, evaluation of the drivers, and continued empathy building.
This project was a collaborative effort of teachers, students, and admin alike who are working to redefine what learning looks like, literally.
Created By
Brian Hamm

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