Good Life Nature Activity at FLMNH A spark story by Brandon Taylor

Nature on Display

I found the sea turtle display particularly appealing. I have always found sea turtles to be extremely interesting because of their vast habitat range and their long life spans. This exhibit captured my attention at first glance through the detailed beach scene that sent me back to watching the sea turtles on the beach at home in Fort Lauderdale. After looking at the exhibit for a while I then noticed that there was a display underneath the sand where I could look at how an underground sea turtle nest would appear in real life. I appreciated this experience so much because it gave me the opportunity to see the nest in a life like setting that simply isn't available in the real world. This is what I enjoy the most about nature museums, the fact that it brings realistic nature to places that might not have that kind of biodiversity.

Nature and Ethics (Butterfly Exhibit)

This museum allowed me to appreciate and admire nature in its natural setting through this butterfly exhibit. It allowed me to take a controlled trip into the niche ecosystem that the butterflies share with the small birds, insects and wide variety of flora. This exhibit definitely allowed me to experience nature in the way Leopold recommends because the exhibit was set up in a way that was peaceful for the organisms that live there as if we as people were trying to make their lives as good as possible and definitely not conquer anything. Yes it instilled the ethical responsibility to nature because I now have a greater appreciation for the purity of how these organisms would live if it wasn't for the constant human interaction that they have to deal with.

Nature and the Human Spirit

The Natural History Museum allows us to step out of our ordinary lives because it brings us to things that aren't usually available to us or are impossible for us to see. For example these shark jaws and teeth would be impossible for me to see in the real world because only one of the species is still alive today and that is the great white shark. The massive jaws of the extinct prehistoric sharks definitely forces the viewer to appreciate the mystery of the natural world and how such a large organism could have ever been a major predator on earth. This helps us to also understand that the scope of what we see today and what is around today doesn't even scratch the surface of what was around millions of year ago and what will be around millions of years from now as well. We can never know one hundred percent of the unknown and therefore it adds further mystery onto our curious everyday lives.


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