Citizen Action joins Community Groups and Activists to Call for Enactment of “Demand Democracy” Platform

Members and participants from Citizen Action's, Capital Region, New York City Chapter and the Long Island Progressive Coalition joined a diverse coalition of community, labor, good-government, advocacy organizations and activists to participate in Demand Democracy actions across New York state.

Participant from the New York City Action Using Art to Express her frustration with the system

For far too long the political interest of the super rich and corporate elite have been prioritized over regular voters. Demand Democracy's goal is to make sure that the voices of New Yorkers are being heard by our state government and not drowned out by the super wealthy.

Participants from the Albany Action including members from Make the Road New York and the Working Families Party

The Capital Region action took place on May 23 and featured speakers from Make the Road New York, the Working Families Party, Human Services Council, Alliance for Quality Education, Communication Workers For America and many others. The New York and Long Island Actions took place on May 26, 2016

Citizen Action Lead Organizer, Darius Gordon Speaking at the NYC action.

At both events the coalition put forth their platform which includes: A small donor matching system where small contributions are matched with public dollars, comprehensive campaign finance reform, enacting automatic voter registration and reinstate the voting rights 40,000 women and men currently on parole.

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